Since last time Tobias Svensson, also known as Zzap69, became a father. He got a son named Alfred, and I hope he is being warmly welcomed to the increasing papa crew of the scene. As a friend I want to congratulate him, and I am positive he will be one hell of a data-daddy.
Also since last issue I have met up with Heavyhead, for the first time since The Party 1996. With him and others I drove down to X in Holland, which can be read about in my party report. It is clear that this issue is a X hangover release, though we will also be covering other things like the recent surge in c64 graphics and the wickedly wonderful releases from Big Floppy People. And as it seems, World of Demos and The Awards will cover a bit complementary at this point.
It has been brought to my attention that the c64 may not be totally emulate-able, it is something about the analouge to digital and random vs less random or something. Is this true? As there also are a hotchpotch of different c64 versions out one cannot perhaps think of it as that, but more of something alike to an organical structure forming something all weird? We will not answer those questions, not yet anyhow. Perhaps with your help we will be able to in the future? Do you have some thoughts at least vaguely c64 scene related, but too thought through to be spent on "just" a forum? Make a disposition and get started. This magazine is written by sceners for sceners. It is not hard to get into the writing flow forming an article once started.
Slowly but surely, the sceneheart beats. Enjoy the reading!
Jonatan "Macx" Forsberg