Taking over the keys from the tasmanian partners in crime. Vandalism News issue forty-five is to be let loose.
G'day ladies and gentlemen!
My helicopter has been equipped with wheels for the summer. A roadtrip down south and then the yearly festival before I head to Bergen for some clerkship at the surgery clinic. As GRG is from Bergen and CBA will be visiting I may most certainly meet up with them there. That is the life we lead; waking up in rural Netherlands at some more or less odd happening, just to share a beer in some pub in Norway a year later. An odd thing for a non-scener to understand, I guess.
Through the newly cleaned windows I can see that the scene seems to be bustling with activity, though the summer heat has zombiefied us all a bit. A new Driven recently saw daylight, the second one since the comeback and with some much readable articles. With it came the resurrection of the NTSC 4k Compo. Together with the rise of the boardscene things may turn out more than interesting over on that continent.
A textmessage that reached me made me hurry back to the screen from an idling state in the scorching sun. When sitting down the shocking news was announced. The long-time c64 scener Kjell Norbo is dead. I did not know him more than the chat we had when we met last summer at LCP, but it is still something that will take time to sink in. His personally styled pieces will be remembered.
I will stop my ranting here. Enjoy the issue and when done reading load some of Kjell's music collections and give it some time. With them audial scores he is still with us in spirit.
/Jonatan "macx" Forsberg