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Originally published in Vandalism News issue 45,
bringing back gossip to scene reporting

Disclaimer: This is not a sunshine-story. Do not read if you are the sensitive type, honestly.

The sun was shining so intensely I was actually considering buying some suncream when it dawned on me that dogs probably were not allowed at the partyplace of LCP. If it had been held in any other country but Sweden the story might have been different, but here dogs are not allowed anywhere. It does not matter if the dog is a very kind dog, accustomed to public places and trained in all social manners a dog possibly could be trained into. Sweden is not laid back at all when it comes to these matters. Massive bureaucracy and social codes is built up in order to keep these restrains on people with dogs. We shall not be able to solve this as grown ups.. The apple is not as bitter as I try to make it sound, but almost, and what's more is that I am supposed to be setting a tone in the first paragraph.

To set my story correct I also need to make it clear that a few days preceding Little Computer People I got a chafed foot. It hurt a bit and it got sore and a beautiful light tone of red. However, I had to walk the dog and transport myself to the night train, walk the dog in the citycenter of Stockholm the following morning and then travel southwestbound towards party metropolis. Luckily my grandmother lives in the neighbouring town and she (together with a visiting brother) took care of the dog during the weekend. The obvious result of all these activities for a foot that dies for some rest is that it gets worse and hurt more. Being a commodore soldier though, in the neverending war against evil, I did not pay much attention to this. A sore, aching and swollen foot can not stop the one and only macx.

Upon finally, friday evening, arriving the stairs leading up to the partyhall I was greeted by the dangerous, but not very hostile, posse of Zyron, HCL and Puterman. Zyron, the tall blonde, was as usual playing a bit hard to get. I still managed to get a comment though: "Before the party it feels like the party hasn't started". Puterman filled in talking about how I would have to eat scheese if I won the graphics compo and that we should expect a banana theme. The latter one seemed to scare Maktone, who was inside the partyhall, as he "does not like bananas". Frantic, the organizer, reminded us all that this was the last party to be held in that particular partyplace, Skylten. This had partly to do with that there was a new rule (yep, another one of them) against drinking in the building (even if the alcohol had been purchased at Systembolaget). The primary reason, however, is that Frantic is moving south. He is now to be living in the home of the brave, as he has gotten a nice cognitive science-job programming AI robots and c64:s at the University of Lund. The funeral feast for LCP at Skylten was about to start.

I handed in the [O]-demo that Soundemon had been working on the day before the party, expecting nothing less than winning. The 80s TV-shot Automan went up on the bigscreen and me and Hollowman went yawning to fill the inflatable stuff, wellknown to the frequent LCP-visitor, with air. Somehow in the drunken madness this ended up with some rudimentary form of mating dance, which was fun then, but resulted in my foot getting even more swollen. Someone, known as a friend of Zyron, whom acted Zodiac/Flash Inc, but really were Shastar/Deceit, told me to keep the foot dry. Which sadly wasn't what I was thinking of when trying to find a place selling veggieburgers in the rainy night. The result was a huge, blueish achilles tendon which hurt madly. I guess I must have been pretty shaken when Shastar tried to operate me with a unsharp, greasy kitchenknife and then bandaging my foot madly (being beyond drunk). I guess I have to become accustomed to these situations, I am the one studying medicine after all, and these events are more and more in need of medical expertise the older we get. The painful experience and my tiredness from the lack of sleep on the night train made me unable to get a second drunken rush. I threw myself, no hands, into the sleepingbag. Due to the mad demojockeying by the still madly drunken Hollowman next to me in the sleepinghall I was unable to actually crash immediately though.

Early noon next day I woke up to the sweet symphony of an ongoing (though still pretty much on hangover-mode) demoparty in the neighbouring hall. I got up and ate some junk before I started to work on getting people to help me out with getting my picture viewable and the audio accompanied with it playable. Iopop made the player to the David Dunn-tune and Oxidy coded the viewer to my picture. It all was slave-linked by the mastercoder Zzap69, whom I guess I was a real pain in the arse towards (as he wanted to finish his tune). An early comment from Trazan was: "I came half an hour ago and it smells puke and urine". Retro who had peed in his airmatress was still sleeping in it on saturday noon, 16 hours after the actual urination. Rumours are saying that it actually was Jejk (whom has not been seen since Floppy 2003) that had put Retro's hand in warm water to get him pissing his pants, but it is very doubtful. Other rumours say it was Hollowman's sleeping gear that Retro polluted. DCMP told me that on the way to the party from the Netherlands she was camping on the beach in Helsingor, Denmark, and got mugged of 200 danish kronor (around EUR 25). Going demopartying is already a harsh experience as it is, fuckheads should stay away from sceners.

Then a couple of us attempted to decipher some of the messages in Triad's winnerdemo from Floppy but decided leave it for a more sober mind. Perhaps it will tell the story of how certain members of the ancient crew actually are part of the big conspiracy with the american government, or how planet earth is inhabited by aliens. Instead I got a chat with some Britons (KronA and Alchemist from TUC) from somewhere west of London whom had brought their Ataris and were seen busy hacking the whole weekend. They had both left the scene back in 1992 but had heard about this gettogether and decided to take one of the super-cheap airlines to fly over (*hint*). This was the first time they saw recent c64 demos and I quote: "It blew our minds away". What is more is that they would love to see a party like this over on the islands as they are pretty sure there are good grounds to get a scene running almost as wildly mental as over here on mainland (*hint*).

The eight-bit craze continued thruoghout the weekend; Someone used his cockhead to rub all the beers in the fridge. The diary of a young teenage woman was found by Skyhawk, whom read out loudly that a guy named Micke had served her tacos after they've had sex in the pool. Zyz turned 25 and thought this was the best way to celebrate, escaping all pretentious hellos and getting absorbed by Programmer's Reference Guide. Oxidy and Zzap69 were sorting out old issues as grown up men, of why Zzap69 had been kicked after only two weeks in Wrath Designs back in 1992. I was making and eating all different kind of vegetarian sausages and schnitzels, and people believed they were made out of meat. Retro was bugging Hollowman in the sleepinghall whom challenged him to a fistfight, but then decided against it as he was too tired. The old mystery puker from Floppy 2005 approached Jucke as he was ashamed, apparently he had been too afraid to admit it before, but now he wanted to come clean. Meanwhile, a new mystery puker did his thing in the sleepinghall. Zzap69 went into the bathroom to wipe his sweaty and naked body dry and was clearly seen by several sceners through the big window. Taper and me did not have sex with a crocodile prostitute. And yeah, loads of DATA was of course the main thing.

Zapod/Antimon from Norway was attending his first party since Tribute and told me that he was the guy that brought GRG to his first demoparty back in the days. I tried to get some top secret information about the upcoming Antimon releases but I got none apart from that they will be numerous and outstanding. Me and MagerValp were chatting about Fedt med L0g and soon after that came the lovely democompos. I was drinking wine inbetween HCL and Dane whilst watching the beauty come and go on the bigscreen.

Next morning I finally took my time to write a bit of text for the scroll that Morpheus was collecting for That will be an interesting piece when it is all released. The funeral feast was over and now came the worried talk of where the next c64 gathering was to be held. As LCP will move and Floppy's premises are no longer usable new places will have to be found. For a party scene with vitality it should not be a problem though. We are all, at least most of us, in good faith. An addict needs it's sids and code together with fellow substance abusers.

I would like to thank Taper and Zzap69 for the reminders for this party report.

Jonatan Forsberg, 05/08/19

Little Computer People 2005 was held 5 - 7 August in Linkoping, Sweden

These are the compo results
c64 Demo

1 Sphaeristerium by Instinct/Horizon/Triad
2 Smart Girls Hate Booze by Booze Design
3 Hello:FRIEND by Fairlight
4 Kamikaze by Creators
5 Blueprint for Organic Toy by Panda Design
6 We/banana by Fairlight
7 Tropical Fever by Onslaught
8 Ass Licker by HCL
9 God Jul
10 Dataapan tar en fet
11 Svamps

c64 Music

1 The day I met myself by TDS
2 JK by Dane
3 Clowns Insane by Zyron
4 Ownage by Maktone
5 CP/L by Goto80
6 Dataknark by johey
7 Hello My Name Isn't: by Dino
8 Thomk by School
9 Atmos by Jucke
10 Gurkors locksang by ZZAP69

c64 Graphics

1 Hellfire by Sledge
2 Vara djur pa Parken Zoo by Twoflower
3 Ricci by Dane
4 Beauty Is Only Skin Deep by Oxidy
5 Treescape by Decompracid
6 Tribute to Freshness by MagerValp
7 Djurens rymd by Dino
8 The Walk of Life Is Never a Walk on Straight Lines by Macx
9 I Like You!
10 Ponnyridning by Trazan
11 Veneralcure by Taper

Releases outside the compo

Larger than Life by Blues Muz'
SID Expander by Ancients
Tour de France 2005 by Hack n' Trade
Trapped in Circles by Creators

Photos available at